18 Jun John Curbishley. Web Master Retired.
The following email was received, I believe it says volumes and should be published for all to read.
Congratulations on getting the communicators website back up and running. I look forward to the opportunity it provides to stay in touch with former shipmates and the wider navy comms family.
My main purpose in this email is to acknowledge the decades of hard work and dedication the former web manager, John Curbishley, put into creating and running this website. Over the years John’s efforts kept us informed and in touch with “stepping oppos” from years past and provided the impetus for reminiscing on the runs ashore we enjoyed as well as notable incidents from our commcen or flagdeck days – and nights. Our numbers are thinning and the vale notices becoming more frequent, but that’s life, and this website gives us the means to look back on how we lived it. I’m sure I can speak on behalf of all navy communicators when I say “Thank you John – Bravo Zulu.” We are grateful to you and honoured by the dedication you have shown over many years.
Rod Beckinsale
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