Staff Photos



This is a very worthwhile endeavour, started by Sandy McNab when he forwarded the 1961 and 1963 Sig School Staff photographs and was able to put names to most of the Instructors and officers pictured. The other staff photographs have been passed on by Communicators who were keen to contribute to the photographic record of this site.

It would be great to publish as many Sig/Comms School staff photos as possible, so please check your photo albums to see what you can come up with. Don’t worry if you can’t identify all in your particular staff photo, we will hopefully put names to them once they are published on this site. By the same token, if you are able to identify anyone in the photographs below just send an email to
Please follow the photo links below to see a full screen view of the Comms School Staff for any particular year.

1940 Sig School Staff
Sig School Staff 1940
1944 Sig School Staff
Sig School Staff 1944?
1953 Sig School Staff
Sig School Staff 1953
1954 Sig School Staff
Sig School Staff 1954

Back Row L to R
WRAN Sherleigh Hastings, Dick Bertram, Peter Bonser, Ray ‘Padre’ Thompson, George Smith, Brian Gold, Henry Conway, K. McMaster, Allan Purdie, Denny Gorton, George Goodall, Bob Kennealy

Sig School Staff 1956

Middle Row L to R
Oscar Johns, Blank, Bryce Diggle, ‘Spider’ Curry, Les Bending, Ernie Sumner, Frank Taunton, John Millington, George Hoult, Bob Shugg.

Front Row L to R
‘Peggy’ O’Neil, Arthur ‘Tugboat’ Shiplee, L School Instr, Peter Ellis (RN), Geoff ‘Snow’ Harle,
LT CDR R.W.Hughes DSC RAN OIC, X Nicholls, L School Instr, Tom Silverthorne, X ‘Cuts’ Kennedy, Jock McKenzie, Reg Gardner OIC Typing School.

Back Row L to R
Peter Gerry, Blank, Blank, Blank, Norm Harraway, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, and Blank.


2nd Back Row L to R
Reg Gardner (OIC Typing School), Blank, George Davey, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank, Frank Densten, Bill Joyce, Dick Rodwell, Bill Lowe, Jack Duffey, Eric Stewart, Frank Taunton (Typing Instructor)

Sig School Staff 1958

2nd Front Row L to R
‘Dizzy’ Dean, Bryce Diggle, Roger Gaydon, ‘Spider’ Curry, ‘Snow’ Harle, not sure which of the next two although Shorty suggests one is OIC Ted Lesch, Joe Melser or Melzer (with beard), Blank, Blank, George Sears, Blank, and I am not sure of the last on the right, but have guessed perhaps Frank Liddell ?


Front Row L to R
(a lot of familiar faces once again, but names escape me) Here goes,
Is the first lad a very young Bill Aylott ?, then Blank, then 3rd from left Eddie Davern, and I think a lad by the name of Waldron (from W.A) 4th, ‘Buddy’ Clark, Brian Cecil, Arty Wyatt, Len Schraples, Blank, Blank, Blank, Blank and Stan Kean.

Sig School Staff 1959
Sig School Staff 1959
Joint communication Course 5/81 - AJWE
Joint communication Course 1/84 - AJWE
Comms School Staff 2012
Communications School Staff 2012
Sig School Staff 1960

Back Row:


Middle Row:
Jim Trimby 2nd from left, Jack Duffy 5th from left, RS(S) Dave Bowditch 5th from right.

Front Row:
NK, NK, Bill Huggins, Spider Currie, rest NK

Please email Sandy McNab ( if you are able to assist with names or spelling.

Back row L to R:
Vic Tumath, Bungy Williams, Les ‘Tid’ Carter, N/K,
Shorty Goeldner, Bev Weate, Marlene Sykes, Hazel Grant,
Doug Bain, Neil Robinson, Keith Sands, George Dwyer.


Middle row L to R:
N/K, Bob Kennealy, Dave Cairns, Brian Lynch, Bev Weate, Janet Meares, Anne Kelly, Brad Beckwith, Bill Summner, ‘Blue’ Brennan, Nevil Froud.


Front row L to R:
Chris Keune, Bill Huggins, S/Lt. Ian Nimmo, Lt. Siddins (L School Instr), Lt. ‘Berti’ Allen, Lcdr. Robert Brokenshire OIC, Lt. Tom Silverthorne, Instr Lieut James ‘Jim’ P. Gregg (L School Instr), S/Lt. Ray Johnston, Bill Lowe, Kevin Taylor.


Civvie Typing Instructors L to R
Frank Taunton, Reg Gardner Miles Hough.

Please email Sandy McNab ( if you are able to assist with names or spelling.

Back row L to R:
Vic Tumath, Bungy Williams, Les ‘Tid’ Carter, N/K,
Shorty Goeldner, Bev Weate, Marlene Sykes, Hazel Grant,
Doug Bain, Neil Robinson, Keith Sands, George Dwyer.


Sig School Staff 1963

Middle row L to R
Frank Taunton, Ian Pringle, Bill Clemson, Dick Rodwell,
J. B. ‘Bing’ Davies, Bob Kennealy, George Jones, Neville Froud,
Bryant Attwood, Miles Hough.


Front row L to R:
‘Pony’ Glover, Eric Harradine, Reg Forwood, Tom Silverthorne,
Geoff ‘Snow’ Harle OIC, Ray Johnston, ‘Sandy’ Beavis, Chris Keune,
Norm Harraway.

Back row L to R:
RO Hales, TO Neilson, RO ‘Unc’ Easton, RO Robin Clifford (Rigor Mortis), RS Brian Lynch, RS Des McKee, LTO Bronte Daniels (Donkey), LTO Dave Strachan, RS David Webb (Spider), LRO Laurie Waters, LRO Brian Nichols, LRO Jack Lindridge, TO Roberts, TO Moore, CY Leo Grimmond.


Center row L to R
WRRS Min Davies, LWRRO Carol Sable, LTO Ray Smith, CY Gary Barrow, CY Fred Wildsmith, RO Allan Lamb, RS Ambrose Palmer, CY Jim Houston, RS John McLaughlan (Blue), CY Dave Churches, RS John McMahon, CY Harry Kime, RS Steve Boyle, LWRRO Selby, LRO Allan Uebergang, LRO Trevor Percival.


Front row L to R:
‘CRS Ted Hunt, CRS Bryce Diggle, 3rd Officer Madeline Leonard, LEUT Peter Gerry, LEUT Tom Silverthorne, LCDR Geoff McQuestin OIC, LEUT Alan Brecht, LEUT Jack Duffey, CRS Ron Low, CRS Biff O’Neill.

Back row L to R:
Doug Kissick, Knocker White, Snoopy Hooper, NK, Barry Francis, NK, NK, NK, NK, Mulga Hanson, NK, Garry Evans, Blue Bromley, Albert Rawlings (Civvy Teletype Maintainer).


3rd Row l to r:
Chris Walker (Civy Typing Inst), NK, NK, NK, Pony Moore, NK, John Strickland, NK, NK, Barb Simpson, Fez Parker, Ted Beare, Shiner Wright, Tony Brine, Roy (Jan) Cummins (Civy Typing Inst), George Goodall (Civy Typing Inst).


2nd Row l to r:
Norm Hindle (Civy Radio Maintainer), Doug Pigot, Ted Hunt, NK, Ken Cox, NK, NK, LCDR Ray Johnson OIC, CMDR Richard Arundel, Leut Bob Everett, NK, Bryce Diggle, Knobby Hall, NK, Frank Taunton (OIC Typing Section).


Front row: NK, NK, Ernie Power, NK, NK, NK, TO Danny ‘Pony’ Moore, Al Conway, NK, NK, Linton Riddell, RO Kel Meschke.

Communications School Staff 1977

Back row L to R:
CPORS Rod Beckinsale, PORS Andy Anderson, ABSIG Les Bullard, Gordon Lynch, NK, LSSIG John Falk, CPOSY John Curbishley, POSY Chris Gallagher, PORS Toby Turner, LSRO John Pummell, NK.


Middle Row L to R:
NK, Roy ‘Jan’ Cummins, POSY Fez Parker, NK, CPORS Chas Peterson, CPORS Russ Hooper, NK, POSY Shiner Wright, POSY Graham Doyle, PORS Jim Quick, PORS Tony Brine, PORS John Balcomb, LSSIG Dave Pluck, NK, Bob Mills, Bryce Diggle.


Front Row L to R:
Ted Hunt, CPOSY Knobby Hall, CPOSY John Rowe, WOSY Harry Kime, LEUT Tony Paterson, Leut Artie Wyatt, LCDR Frank Densten (OIC), LEUT Gary Barrows, Frank Taunton, LEUT Terry Feltham, WORS Noel Ellis, CPOSY Dave Strachan, CWRROT Barb Walker, Ron Pinkstone.

Back row L to R:
CPORS Rod Beckinsale, PORS Andy Anderson, ABSIG Les Bullard, Gordon Lynch, NK, LSSIG John Falk, CPOSY John Curbishley, POSY Chris Gallagher, PORS Toby Turner, LSRO John Pummell, NK.


Comms School Staff late 70's (probably 1979/1980 - please advise)

Second Row
LWRROT A. Gillet, LSSIG R. Wilcox, LSRO L. Peglar, PORS N. Turner,
POSY I. Schubert, PORS Anderson, LSSIG G. Duscher, LWRROT D. Halley,
LSSIG R. Robins, SWRROT J. White


Third Row
PORS J. White, POSY I. Sturtevant, PORS J. Halley. POSY P. Heavey,
PORS W. Roots, PORS N. Husk, POSY D. Kissick, PORS P. Cousins, PORS R.Shaw, POWRSS S. Spain


Fourth Row
CPORS T. Beare, CPORS A. Brine, WORS J. Anderson, Leut R. Smith,
CHFO A. Briggs, Leut A. Wyatt, Leut P. Threlfall, CPOSY J. Payne, CPOSY M. Orr CWRROT G. Brindle

Front Row:
WORS Jim Anderson, LEUT Bob Everett, LEUT Paul Threlfall, CMDR Anne Briggs, LEUT Brad Beckwith, WORS Ted Beare, WOSY Bronte Daniels, CPOSY John Payne.


2nd Row:
Ron Pinkstone, ?, POSY Peter Heavey, PORS Chas Carleton, CPOSY Chris Gallagher, CPORS Toby Turner, CPORS Tony Brine, CPORS Blue Higgins, CWRRST Glenda Shaw, CPORS Terry Thomas, CPOSY Keith ‘Gympie’ Inall, Ted Hunt, Jan Cummins, Bryce Diggle.


3rd Row:
POSY Ian Sturtevant, PORS John White, PORS Jim Quick, PORS Perry Cousins, POWRRST ?, PORSS Jim Muldoon?, LS ?, LSSIG Ron Griffin.


Back Row:
?, LWRROT Leanne Harrison, ?, LSROEW Kevin Clarke, LSRO Bob York, LSSIG Reg Robins, ABRO Stuart Lee, ?, LSSIG Ron Griffin.

Back Row L to R
SWRROT Donna Beaumont, SWRROT Anastasia Hope, LWRROT Leanne Harrison, LSSIG Chris Frappe, LS ‘Kojak’ Hartnett, LSSIG ‘Blue’ Kerr, LSRO Thomson, LSSIG Kev Hanlon, SWR ?, LSROS Dave Tindal, ABRO Boulton, ABRO Dave Bright, LSSIG Gary Swanton, LWRROT Meg Duggan.


Centre Row
Mr Brice Diggle, Mr Ted Hunt, Mr ‘Snoopy’ Hooper, PORS David Watson, POSY Gary ‘Gus’ Monger, PORS ‘Rocky’ Gannon, PORS Neil Unwin, POYS Harvey Graeme (RNZN), PORS ‘Zac’ Michael, PORS Chris Moody, PORT Neil ‘Lofty’ Husk, POSY Geoff Wasley, PORS Glenn Stanley, POSY Reg Robins, POWRRST Lorraine Webster, PORS Tony Froome, PORSEW Mick Duggan, PORSS Steve Murray, Mr Ron ‘Pinky’ Pinkstone,


3rd Row:
POSY Ian Sturtevant, PORS John White, PORS Jim Quick, PORS Perry Cousins, POWRRST ?, PORSS Jim Muldoon?, LS ?, LSSIG Ron Griffin.


Front Row
PORS ‘Brigham’ Young, CPOSY Doug Kissick, CPOSY Viv Russell, CPORS ‘Shorty’ Turner, CWRRST Joan Meaker, WORS Ted Beare, WOSY Harry Kime, LCDR Gary Kingdon, OIC CMDR Stuart Wilson, LEUT Rod Withers, WORS Tony Brine, Mr Roy ‘Jan’ Cummins OIC Typing Section, CPOSY John ‘Wacka’ Payne, CPORS Tony Bromilow, CWRRST Glenda Shaw, CPOSY Peter Bates, POWRRSS Sheree Tindal.

Top Row:
ABSIG Adam Dunstan, LSSIG Rick Comfort, LSSIG Ian McKeown, LSSIG Ned Kelly, LSSIG Rod Howard, SWRROT Lisa Blake, NK, WR Bernie DeMaskens, LWRROT Loretta Walsh, WRROT Lin Lee, LSSIG Daryl Coombs, LSRO Rod Arnold.


Third Row:
PORSSM Andy Fraser, Lynton ‘Zac’ Michael, POSY Gus Monger, PORSS Stan Stanton, PORS Neil Unwin, POSY Ian Sturdevant, PORS Charlie Wheeler, POSY Bob Smith, PORS Dave Adams.


Second Row:
Mr Russ ‘Snoopy’ Hooper, Mr Bob Fellows, Mr Ron Pinkstone, Geoff Ablett, CPORS Phil Sharp, CPOSY John Summers, CPORS Bob McGregor, CPOSY Daffy Doyle, CPORS Glen Stanley, Mr Tony Brine, PORS Neil ‘Lofty’ Husk, Mr Bryce Diggle.


Bottom Row:
CPORS Salmari, WORS John Strickland, WORS Ted Beare, LEUT Lach Graham, LCDR Gary Kingdon, CMDR David Cotsell (OIC), LEUT Rod WIthers, SBLT Kerry Wallis, WOSY Bob Jocumsen, Mr John Hunt.

Back Row:
LWRROT Lyn Graham?, LSSIG Rod Howard, ABSIG Michael de`Marillac, ABSIG Peter Retallick, LSSIG Ian McKeon, LSROEW Col Bambrook, LSSIG Ian ‘Slim’ Astill, ABRO Greg Irving, LSSIG Rick Comfort, LSRO Pete DeMaskens.


Third Row:
POSY George Podmore, PORS Charlie Wheeler, POWRRSS Rae Leachman, PORS Paul Kay, PORS Jacko Jackson, PORS Steve Dik, PORS Neil Unwin, PORS Pete Graham.


Second Row:
NK, PORSSM Andy Fraser, CPORS Phil Sharp, PORS Bob McGregor, CPOSY Bob Smith, CWRROT Coral Miller, CPORS Glen Stanley, CPOSY Ian Sturtevant, POSY Reg Robbins, Mr Russ ‘Snoopy’ Hooper, POSY Ron Brown, Mr Tony Brine


Front Row:
WORS Ted Beare, LEUT Steve Hislop, LEUT Rod Shaw, LCDR Peter Breeze OIC, LEUT Dave Barnes, LEUT Drew Hardy, SBLT ?, CPOSY Frank Lawton.

(Many thanks to Frank Lawton and others for providing the names listed, if you are able to assist further please send an email).

Back Row:
AB Kerr, SWR McLeod, LSR DeMaskens, LS Hill, LS Walter, POWR White, PO Hoctor, PO Bird, LS Comfort, LS Smyth, LS Pilgrim, LS Delaney, LS Russell.

Communications School Staff 1988

Middle Row:
PO Griffin, PO Tingey, PO Cashman, PO DeMaskens, Mr Fellows, Mr Pegler, Mrs Kissick, CPO Benson, CPO Medway, Mr McGregor, Mr Bromilow, PO White, PO Rettalick, PO Sheather.


Front Row:
CPO Podmore, Mr Hunt, CPO McLaughlin, WOWR Shaw, LEUT Graham, LEUT Cody, CMDR Brogan (OIC), LEUT Starr, LEUT Kime, WO Hicks, CPO Barber, CPO Tanner, CPO Willoughby.

Comms School Staff 1989

Back Row:
Bernie DeMaskens, LS Jeff Mellifont, LSSIG Rod Howard, LS Delaney, LS Steve Horsborough, LSSIG Alan Carlyon, LS Smyth, AB ‘Pricky’ Reid, Corrinne McLeod, LS Jeff Kerr, Roo Medway.


Middle Row:
POSY Ted Cummins, Deb White, Peter Bird, PO Paul Feighen, Pete DeMaskens, PO Brian Froome, POSY Kev Tingey, Graham White, Paul Cashman, PO Gary McGowan, PO Rags Hardy.


Front Row:
CPO Jim Benson, CPOSY Chokey McLaughlin, WO Glenda Shaw, LEUT Bob Cody, LCDR Ian Broadsmith, LEUT John Starr, CPOSY George Podmore, CPOSY Steve Barber, PO Griff Griffin.

Communications School Staff 1994

Back Row L to R:
LSRO Dunne, LSSIG Hayes, LSRO McNicol, LSSIG Van Lieshout, LSSIG Bowman, ABSIG Cilli, LSRO Lamb, ABRO Bowman, ABRO Hayley, ABSIG McDuff, LSSIG Carroll, POSY Smedley.


Middle Row L to R:
Mr Williams, Mr Fellows, Mr Orr, PORS I. Bennett, PORS Hunt, PORS Beattie, PORS Reading, POSY Oborn, PORST Loughron, PORS Blake, PORS Behan, PORS S. Bennett, PORS Thomas, Mr Pegler, Mrs McRob, Mrs Kissick.


Front Row L to R:
CPOSY Macleod, CPORS Cashman, CPOSY Pye, WOSY Roy, LEUT Condon RANR, LEUT Ricciardone RAN, LCDR Kime RAN, LCDR McCourt RAN (OIC), LEUT Anderson RAN, LEUT Baddams RAN, WORS Ashman, CPOSY Kerr, CPOSY Bird, CPOSY Nagle, FGST Thiele, Mr Hunt.


(Photo sent by Phil Roy)

Communications School Staff 2007

Back Row L to R:


Middle Row L to R:


Front Row L to R:

Back Row, Left to Right
PO Bates, PO Bamford, Mr Williams, Mr Bakewell, PO Badger, PO Bamford, PO Arnold, LS Nicholson, LS Honey, Mr Thomas, Mr Mooney, Mrs Scott.

Communications School Staff 2008

Middle Row, Left to Right:
LS Macrow, Mr Whitmore, LS Mantovani, PO Crilly, PO Bamford, PO Thorne, PO Shaw, PO Reynolds, PO Thorne, LS Knights, LS Bloom, LS Williams, LS Hart, LS Turner.


Front Row, Left to Right:
CPO Hjortshoj, CPO Lee, CPO Cruickshank, CPO Coleman, CPO Kime, WO Nitschke, LEUT Nagle, LCDR Broadsmith OC, LEUT Crosbie, WO Brandner, CPO S. Jennings, CPO Cannon, CPO Pahl, CPO O’Gradey.


LEUT Martin, CPO Stenhouse, LS Slater, LS Hiras, LS Heron, LS Kalambokas

Back Row, Left to Right:
LS Heron, LS Mantovani, PO Andrew, PO Bamford, PO Arnold, PO Thorne, LS Horan, Mr Mooney, PO Crilly, PO Bates, LS Turner

Communications School Staff 2009

Middle Row, Left to Right:
LS Macrow, PO Slater, LS Hiras, PO Shaw, Ls Bloom, LS Jarrett, Mr Bakewell, PO Curtain, LS Hart, LS Williams, Mrs Scott, CPO Francis.


Front Row, Left to Right:
CPO Money, CPO Cruickshank, CPO Kime, WO Brandner, LEUT Martin, LCDR Broadsmith OC, LEUT Nagle, WO Nitschke, CPO Cannon, CPO Stenhouse


CPO Coleman, CPO S Jennings, CPO Roberts, LS Nicholson, LS Bamford, AB Bone

Back Row, Left to Right:
PO Bamford, LS Turner, LS Mantovani, PO Thorne, PO Bates, PO Neave, PO Andrews, PO Caldwell, LS Herron,
LS Frampton, LS Mallan.

Communications School Staff 2010

Middle Row, Left to Right:
Mrs Scott, PO Shaw, LS Merceica, LS Brooks, LS Symonds, AB Kelly, LS Bloom, Mr Bakewell.


Front Row, Left to Right:
CPO Arnold, CPO Treadwell, CPO Marshall, LEUT Martin, LCDR Broadsmith OC, LEUT Barlow, CPO Cannon,
CPO Kime, CPO Stenhouse.


Mr Mooney, WO Nitschke, CPO Cruickshank, CPO Coleman, CPO S. Jennings, PO Slater, LS Jarrett, LS Macrow, LS Hart, LS Hiras.

Back Row, Left to Right:
LS Stewart, LS Challis, LS Parton, LS Dunne, LS Brooks, LS Perez, LS Dubaj, LS Smith, LS Turner

Communications School Staff 2011

Middle Row, Left to Right:
PO Walsh, PO Ward PO Townley, PO Loftus, PO Bryant, PO Slater, PO Andrew, PO Bell, PO Swanton


Front Row, Left to Right:
CPO R. Jennings, CPO O’Gradey, CPO Marshall, LEUT Barlow, LCDR Shortis OC, LEUT Gowling, WO Nitschke, CPO Kime, CPO Stenhouse, CPO West.


Mrs Scott, Mr Bakewell, Mr Mooney, CPO Treadwell, CPO Coleman, CPO S Jennings, PO Trevis, PO Knights, PO Townley, PO Neave, LS Mantovani, LS Merceica, AB Kelly