03 Apr Vale / Funeral Details, R53773 CPO Basil John CLEARY RAN Rtd, Communications Branch
Basil’s family has asked me to forward the following information to as wide an audience as possible & also requests that YOU consider forwarding this email to anyone who knew Basil (including attached photos)
It’s with a heavy heart that I’m advising you of the passing of a good man who regularly attended Sunday morning Mass at St Peter’s Catholic Church Caboolture:
R53773 CPO Basil John “Baz” CLEARY RAN Rtd
Communications Branch
DoB 16 April 1937 Launceston Tas
DoD 1 April 2024 Caboolture Qld
9.30 AM Friday 12 April 2024
Traditional Funerals
636 Morayfield Rd
Burprengary Qld
P 1800 672 331
If entitled, MEDALS are requested to be worn
As a man of a strong Catholic faith & Living Waters Catholic Parish https://www.cabooltureparish.org.au/ Australian Returned Serviceman & long-time member of the RSL & Sub-Branches, appropriate arrangements have been made to honour Basil’s final wishes.
To assist with family & Funeral Director planning, please RSVP attendance / non-attendance by 12 Noon Thursday 11 April to:
Natasha Cleary
M +61 491 127 905
E ncleary95@hotmail.com
Natasha Cleary
M +61 491 1257 405
E ncleary95@hotmail.com
Eternal Rest Grant Unto Him, O Lord, And Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him. May His Soul, And The Souls Of All The Faithful Departed, Through The Mercy Of God, Rest In Peace. Amen.

Lest We Forget another valued servant of Australia
… stand down Digger, your duty done

& Peace
be upon you & yours

Laurie Pegler
Posted at 00:25h, 04 AprilSad times when we lose 2 good sparkers in Kev Ruwoldt and Baz Cleary.